rttr  0.9.0
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Before retrieving data from RTTR you have register your custom Type and the following tutorial will show how to do this.

The register process has to be done manually and can be separated in two steps:

  1. declaring your Type
  2. binding the properties, methods, enums or constructors of your Type

Declaring Types

RTTR uses an own, in ISO C++ implemented, alternative to the build in RTTI mechanism of C++. The reason for that are problems when using typeid across shared boundaries and the execution speed. In order to use this mechanism you have to register them with a macro named RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE.

1. Simple Types

Suppose we have a struct named MyStruct

// MyStruct.h
struct MyStruct
int i;

Place the macro inside the header of the struct or class, just below the declaration. The macro will create a register function and is also responsible for returning the corresponding type object for this type.
The registration process itself is now done at runtime.

When MyStruct is in a namespace, make sure you put the macro outside the namespace, otherwise the type class cannot access the Type.

namespace MyNameSpace

Also note, that when your are working with pointers of your custom type, then these needs to be registered too.

RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE(MyStruct) // raw type
RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE(MyStruct*) // ptr type
RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE(const MyStruct*) // ptr to const type

Instead of writing tree times RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE you can use the shortcut macro RTTR_DECLARE_STANDARD_TYPE_VARIANTS

This will declare for a given type Type, the following types: Type, Type*, const Type*

2. Class Hierarchies

When you use class hierarchies, you have to put a certain macro inside every class. Otherwise you are not able to retrieve the information about the most derived type of your current instance. The macro you have to insert is called RTTR_ENABLE

Suppose we have a base struct called Base.

// Base.h
struct Base

Place the macro RTTR_ENABLE() somewhere in the class, it doesn't matter if its under the public, protected or private class accessor section.

Into the derived class you put the same macro, but now as argument the name of the parent class. Which is in this case Base.

// Derived.h
struct Derived : Base
RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE(Derived) // don't forget to declare your type

When you use multiple inheritance you simply separate every class with a comma.

// MultipleDerived.h
struct MultipleDerived : Base, Other
RTTR_ENABLE(Base, Other)

Remark that the order in which you declare here the multiple inheritance, has an impact later when retrieving properties of a class. So it is best practice to use the same order like in your class. RTTR supports to register even virtual base classes.

The only limitation you have is: It is not possible to register a class twice in the same class hierarchy.

3. type as alternative to typeid

When you have successfully registered your custom type, you can use type to check whether the current instance is a certain type or not.
There are three static template member functions for retrieving the type:

type::get(const char*)

This function just expects the name of the type. This is useful when you know only the name of the type and cannot include the type itself into the source code. The name of the type is the same like you have registered with RTTR_DECLARE_TYPE but as string literal. When you have used a typedef then you need to provide this typedef also as string literal.

type::get("int") == type::get("int"); // yields to true
type::get("bool") == type::get("int"); // yields to false
type::get("MyNameSpace::MyStruct") == type::get("MyNameSpace::MyStruct"); // yields to true


This function just expects one template argument. Use it to check against a known type.

type::get<int>() == type::get<int>(); // yields to true
type::get<int>() == type::get<bool>(); // yields to false

type::get<T>(T&& obj)

This function is a universal reference and returns from every given object the corresponding type object.

int int_obj;
int* int_obj_ptr = &int_obj;
const int* c_int_obj_ptr = int_obj_ptr;
type::get<int>() == type::get(int_obj); // yields to true
type::get<int*>() == type::get(int_obj_ptr); // yields to true
type::get<const int*>() == type::get(c_int_obj_ptr);// yields to true

When this function is called for a glvalue expression whose type is a polymorphic class type, then the result refers to a type object representing the type of the most derived object.

struct Base {};
struct Derived : Base {};
Derived d;
Base& base = d;
type::get<Derived>() == type::get(base) // yields to true
type::get<Base>() == type::get(base) // yields to false
// remark, when called with pointers:
Base* base_ptr = &d;
type::get<Derived>() == type::get(base_ptr); // yields to false
type::get<Base*>() == type::get(base_ptr); // yields to true
If the type of the expression is a cv-qualified type, the result of the rttr::type::get expression refers to a rttr::type object representing the cv-unqualified type.
class D { ... };
D d1;
const D d2;
type::get(d1) == type::get(d2); // yields true
type::get<D>() == type::get<const D>(); // yields true
type::get<D>() == type::get(d2); // yields true
type::get<D>() == type::get<const D&>(); // yields true
type::get<D>() == type::get<const D*>(); // yields false

Any top level cv-qualifier of the given type T will be removed.

4. rttr_cast as alternative to dynamic_cast

Providing an own function for dynamic_cast completes the package as an RTTI alternative.
The function rttr_cast<T>(Arg) allows the client to cast between class hierarchies up and down, cross casts between unrelated classes and even class hierarchies with virtual inheritance. The target type T can be also in the middle of the hierarchy.

struct A { ... };
struct B : A { ... };
struct C : B { ... };
C c;
A* a = &c;
B* b = rttr_cast<B*>(a); // successful

An rttr::type object knows from which parent class it is derived. Assumed this information is given via RTTR_ENABLE. From the functionality it is similar to dynamic_cast.

Because exception are not supported the target type T can only be a pointer type.

Binding Types

1. Hello World

Let's start with the traditional hello world example.

#include <rttr/reflect>
static void f() { std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl; }
using namespace rttr;
method_("f", &f);
int main()
type::invoke("f", {});
// outputs: "Hello World"

When you need to reflect a property, or like in this case a free function, you need to include first #include <rttr/reflect>. This will include everything necessary for creating the reflection information. The macro RTTR_REGISTER must be placed outside of any function or class, just place directly into in your cpp file. This macro executes the register process before main is called, that has the advantage that this reflection information is directly available when main is called. Remark that this macro can only be placed one-time in a source file, otherwise you will get an compile error.

The shortest way to invoke the function f() is to call type::invoke(). It requires the exact name of the free function and a vector of arguments. You can check whether the call was successful with checking the return value. When the returned variant is valid the call was successful, otherwise not.

In RTTR is the most important class the type class. With that class you get access to everything else.

2. Methods

As already mentioned to bind global methods to RTTR use the function rttr::method_(). It has following synopsis:

template<typename F>
void rttr::method_( const std::string & name, F function, std::vector< rttr::metadata > data);

For example when you want to register the byte string to integer conversion function: int atoi (const char * str);

Do it in the following way:

method_("atoi", &atoi);

2.1 Overloaded Methods

When you want to register a function which is overloaded (same name, different signature), you have to explicitly provide the signature. Otherwise C++ can not deduce which function you refer to. For example when you have two function float sin (float x); and double sin (double x); :

method_("sin", static_cast<float(*)(float)>(&sin));
method_("sin", static_cast<double(*)(double)>(&sin));

That is the general syntax for function pointers:

return-value (*func-name)(arg1-type, arg2-type, ...)

2.2 Invoke of methods

Invoking a method with RTTR can be done in two ways.

The first option needs less typing, but it is slower when you need to invoke the function several times. For the second option you need more code to write, but it invokes the method faster.

The following example demonstrates the possibilities to invoke a method:

int main()
// let asume we have registered the pow function: double pow( double base, double exp );
// option 1
variant return_value = type::invoke("pow", {9.0, 2.0});
if (return_value.is_valid() && return_value.is_type<double>())
std::cout << return_value.get_value<double>() << std::endl; // 81
// option 2
method meth = type::get_global_method("pow");
if (meth) // check if the function was found
return_value = meth.invoke(empty_instance(), 9.0, 3.0);
if (return_value.is_valid() && return_value.is_type<double>())
std::cout << return_value.get_value<double>() << std::endl; // 729

The type::invoke() function will internally try to find a function based on the given name and the given types of the arguments. So finding the correct function when overloaded function are registered is automatically done. Notice that you have to provide the arguments as a vector pack. Therefore an initializer list is quite handy to reduce typing. The argument must match 100%, there is at the moment no conversion done. That means, when an integer argument is needed and you forward a double value the function will not be called. The arguments will not be copied, instead they will be wrapped in an internal class and forwarded to the underlying function pointer. This class is called detail::argument do not create this class on your own. The class will implicit wrap your argument value.

The return value of type::invoke() is a variant object. It indicates whether the function was called or not. RTTR does not use the exception mechanism of C++, therefore you have to check the return values when you are interested in a successfull call. The variant object is valid when it was successfully called. When the function has a return value, then this value is also contained in the variant object.

When you prefer to hold a handle to the function use the getter type::get_global_method() to retrieve a method object. This has the advantage that you do not need to search for the function every time you want to invoke it. Additionally this class provides functions to invoke a function without the need to create a vector of arguments. The method object is very lightweight and can be simply copied around different locations. The object stays valid till end of the main() function.

3. Properties

For binding a property to RTTR you can use following functions: rttr::property_() and rttr::property_readonly_().

They have following synopsis:

template<typename A>
void rttr::property_( const std::string & name, A accessor, std::vector< rttr::metadata > data );
template<typename A>
void rttr::property_readonly_( const std::string & name, A accessor, std::vector< rttr::metadata > data );

It is also possible to use function pointers for the property as getter and setter functions. Therefore the rttr::property_() function is overloaded.

It has following synposis:

template<typename A1, typename A2>
void rttr::property_( const std::string & name, A1 getter, A2 setter, std::vector< rttr::metadata > data );

The following example shows how to use these register functions:

static const double pi = 3.14259;
static std::string global_text;
void set_text(const std::string& text) { global_text = text; }
const std::string& get_text() { return global_text; }
property_readonly_("PI", &pi);
property_("global_text", &get_text, &set_text);

There can be not two global properties with the same name. The later registered property with an already existing name will be discarded.

3.1 Invoke properties

For setting and getting a property with RTTR you have two options like with methods:

int main()
// option 1, via type
variant value = type::get_property_value("pi");
if (value && value.is_type<double>())
std::cout << value.get_value<double>() << std::endl; // outputs: "3.14259"
// option 2, via property class
property prop = type::get_property_value("pi");
if (prop)
value = prop.get_value();
if (value.is_valid() && value.is_type<double>())
std::cout << value.get_value<double>() << std::endl; // outputs: "3.14259"

The static type::set_property_value() function calls directly a global property with the given name. This function has a bool value as return value, indicating whether the property was invoked or not. For retrieving a property value use the static function type::get_property_value(). The returned variant object contains the property value and also indicates whether the call to retrieve the property was successful or not. When the variant is not valid then the call could not be done.

Another option is to retrieve a handle to the property via type::get_global_property(). This is the preferred option, because then you directly set/get the value without searching every time for the property. The property object is very lightweight and can be simply copied around different locations. The object stays valid till end of the main() function.

4. Enums

RTTR allows also to bind enumerated constants (enums). Therefore use the function enumeration_().

It has following synposis:

template<typename EnumType>
void rttr::enumeration_( std::vector< std::pair< std::string, EnumType > > enum_data, std::vector< rttr::metadata > data );
enum E_Alignment
AlignLeft = 0x0001,
AlignRight = 0x0002,
AlignHCenter = 0x0004,
AlignJustify = 0x0008
enumeration_<E_Alignment>({ {"AlignLeft", E_Alignment::AlignLeft},
{"AlignRight", E_Alignment::AlignRight},
{"AlignHCenter", E_Alignment::AlignHCenter},
{"AlignJustify", E_Alignment::AlignJustify}

You don't need to provide a name for the enum during the enumeration binding, because this is already done with the registration process for types. The key is a std::string and the value is the enum value. The class enumeration contains several meta information about an enum with conversion functions between the value representation and its literal representation.

How to use the enumeration class shows following example:

type enum_type = type::get("E_Alignment");
if (enum_type && enum_type.is_enumeration())
enumeration enum_align = enum_type.get_enumeration();
std::string key = enum_align.value_to_key(MyStruct::AlignHCenter);
std::cout << key; // prints "AlignHCenter"
variant var = enum_align.key_to_value(key);
std::cout << var.get_value<MyStruct::E_Alignment>(); // prints "4";

5. Variant

The variant class acts as return value container for properties and methods. This class allows to store data of any type and convert between these types transparently. It can hold one value at a time (using containers you can hold multiple types e.g. std::vector<int>). Remark that the content is copied into the variant class. Even raw arrays (e.g. int[10]) are copied. When you would like to avoid copies, use pointer types or wrap your type in a std::reference_wrapper<T> A typical usage is the following example:

variant var;
var = 23; // copy integer
int x = var.to_int(); // x = 23
var = std:.string("Hello World"); // variant contains now a std::string
var = "Hello World"; // variant contains now a char[12] array
int y = var.to_int(); // y = 0, because invalid conversion
std::string text = var.to_string(); // text = "Hello World", char array to string converted
var = "42"; // contains now char[3] array
std::cout << var.to_int(); // convert char array to integer and prints "42"
int my_array[100];
var = my_array; // copies the content of my_array into var
auto& arr = var.get_value<int[100]>(); // extracts the content of var by reference
bool ret = var.can_convert<variant_array>();// return true
variant_array array = var.to_array(); // converts to variant_array, a helper class to get access to array values and other meta infos about array
std::size_t size = array.get_size(); // size = 100
array.set_value(0, 42); // set the first value to 42
std::cout << array.get_value(0); // prints 42

6. Classes

For registering classes in RTTR you use a class called class_. Its name is supposed to resemble the C++ keyword, to make it look more intuitive. It has member functions for register constructors, properties, methods and enums. These functions have the same interface and work in the same way like register the global symbols. Every call to these member functions, will return a reference to this, in order to chain more registration calls. The name of the class does not have to be provided, because this is already done with the registration process for types.

Let's start with a simple example. Consider the following C++ class:

// test class.h
class test_class{
test_class(int value) : m_value(value) {}
void print_value() const { std::cout << m_value; }
int m_value;

The registration process is now done at global scope in the cpp file.

// test_class.cpp
using namespace rttr;
.method("print_value", &test_class::print_value);
.property("value", &test_class::m_value);

This will register the class test_class with a constructor that takes an integer as argument, a member function with the name print_value and a property called value.

The property name has be unique for this class type but derived classes can register another property with the same name again. Member functions can be overloaded, so a method can be registered with an already existing name multiple times. However when there exist a method with the same name and signature, then this function will not be registered and discarded.

6.1 Overloaded member functions

When binding a overloaded member function, you have to disambiguate the member function pointer you pass to method. To do this, you can use static_cast or an ordinary C-style cast, to cast it to the right overload.

The syntax for member function pointers if following:

return-value (class-name::*)(arg1-type, arg2-type, ...)

Here's an example illlustrating this:

struct Foo
void f();
void f(int);
.method("f", static_cast<void(Foo::*)(int)>(&Foo::f)); // C++ cast
.method("f", (void(Foo::*)())&Foo::f); // C style cast

This first overload of the function f is binded with a C++ cast. The second overload is binded with a C style cast.

6.2 Register constructor

RTTR allows your to register constructors for classes.
Because C++ doesn't allow to retrieve the member function pointer of a constructor you have to explicit specify all data types of a constructor.
Consider following class with three constructors:
struct Foo
Foo(int, double);
Foo(const std::string&);

For registering these constructors you now have to specify every parameter as template parameter in the member function :class_::constructor().

.constructor<const std::string&>();

When a constructor is registered a destructor is registered automatically.

6.3 Register class properties

Register a public property can be easily done, consider following class:

struct Foo
int value;

This class is registered like this:

.property("value", &Foo::value);

With the property() member function you will bind the member variable Foo::value with read and write access. When you want a bind a property with read-only access, then this is also possible with property_readonly() member function.

.property_readonly("value", &Foo::value);

When you have a class and the property is declared in private scope, then you can still register this property when you insert the macro: RTTR_REGISTER_FRIEND inside the class.

class Foo
int value;

This will make this class a friend to the registration system.

You can also register getter and setter functions and make them look as if they were a public data member. Consider the following class:

class Foo
void set_value(int x) { m_value = x; }
int get_value() const { return m_value; }
int m_value;

This is the registration code:

.property("value", &Foo::get_value, &Foo::set_value);

This way, accessing the property will now call these functions, instead the property directly. Remark that the getter function needs the be const.

The following sub sections will now show how to retrieve these informations for creating, invoking and setting properties of an instance of this class.

6.4 Create/destroy of classes

There are two options for creating/destroying a class. Option 1, use just the type interface or option 2 retrieve a constructor and destructor object from the type class.

int main()
// option 1
type class_type = type::get("test_class");
if (class_type)
variant obj = class_type.create({23});
// option 2
if (class_type)
constructor ctor = class_type.get_constructor({type::get<int>()});
variant obj = ctor.invoke(23);
destructor dtor = class_type.get_destructor();

The objects which are constructed are created on the heap and stored as pointer in the variant object.

6.5 Invoke member functions

Invoking a member function works in the same way like invoking global function. The only difference is, that you have to provide the instance of the class.

int main()
test_class obj(42);
type class_type = type::get("test_class");
// option 1
class_type.invoke("print_value", obj, {}); // print 42
// option 2
method print_meth = class_type.get_method("print_value");
print_meth.invoke(obj); // prints "42"

The invoke function also except to use variants. So when you create the object via the type constructor you can use the returned variant to invoke to method:

int main()
variant obj_var = type::get("test_class").create({42});
type::get("test_class").invoke("print_value", obj_var, {}); // print 42

6.6 Set/Get property of a class

Properties can be also set an get in two ways.

int main()
test_class obj(0);
type class_type = type::get("test_class");
// option 1
bool success = class_type.set_property_value("value", obj, 50);
std::cout << obj.m_value; // prints "50"
// option 2
property prop = class_type.get_property("value");
success = prop.set_value(obj, 24);
std::cout << obj.m_value; // prints "24"

In difference to the global properties, a valid type object and an instance (object) of the class is now needed to set and get the value. It doesn't matter in what hierarchy level the object is. Or if its a pointer, an object on the stack or wrapped inside a variant. RTTR will try to cast the given object to the class type where the property was registered to.

7. Metadata

Adding additional meta information to properties or methods can be very useful. So for instance, it allows to add ToolTips or the information what kind of editor should be created in the GUI. You can also tag certain properties to make only those available in a scripting engine which has a certain key set.

The metadata consists of a key, which can be a std::string or an integer and a value which is a variant.

Please take a look at following example:

property_("value", value, { metadata(SCRIPTABLE, false),
metadata("Description", "This is a value.") });

This will register a global property named "value" with two metadata informations. Both keys use the integer as data role, because the enum value will be implicit converted to an integer.

And the following snippet shows, how to retrieve this information:

int main()
property prop = type::get_global_property("value");
variant value = prop.get_metadata(SCRIPTABLE);
std::cout << value.get_value<bool>(); // prints "false"
value = prop.get_metadata("Description");
std::cout << value.get_value<int>(); // prints "This is a value."

Every property, method, enumeration and constructor can have metadata.

8. Policies

Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the default binding behaviour RTTR. Therefore policies were introduced. At the moment only return value policies are implemented. The default binding behaviour of RTTR is to return all values by copying the content in a variant.

Currently implemented policies:

8.1 bind_property_as_ptr

The motivation for this policy is to avoid expensive copies when returning a property. When you have primitive data types like integer or doubles you are good to go with the standard binding behaviour. But when you have big arrays, it would be a waste to always copy the content when retrieving or setting the value, therefore this policy was introduced.


struct Foo
std::vector<int> vec;
.property("vec", &Foo::vec, bind_property_as_ptr);
int main()
Foo obj;
property vec_prop = type::get("Foo").get_property("vec");
variant vec_value = prop.get_value(obj);
std::cout << value.is_type<std::vector<int>*>(); // prints "true"
// not really necessary, but remark that now a std::vector<int>* is expected
prop.set_value(obj, vec_value);

8.2 return_reference_as_ptr

The motivation for this policy is the same like the bind_property_as_ptr policy. When you really need to get a reference to the return value of a method call you have to use this policy, otherwise the returned reference will be copied into the variant.


struct Foo
std::string& get_text() { static text; return text; }
.method("get_text", &Foo::get_text, return_reference_as_ptr);
int main()
Foo obj;
method text_meth = type::get("Foo").get_method("get_text");
variant vec_value = text_meth.invoke(obj);
std::cout << value.is_type<std::string*>(); // prints "true"
std::cout << text_meth.get_return_type().get_name(); // prints "std::string*"

8.3 discard_return_value

Sometimes it is necessary that the client caller should ignore the return value of a method call. Therefore this policies was introduced.


struct Foo
int get_value() { return 42; }
.method("get_value", &Foo::get_value, discard_return_value);
int main()
Foo obj;
method text_meth = type::get("Foo").get_method("get_value");
variant vec_value = text_meth.invoke(obj);
std::cout << value.is_type<void>(); // prints "true"
std::cout << text_meth.get_return_type().get_name(); // prints "void"

A closing hint: you can of course build your own policies in that way, that you build wrappers around your properties or methods and then bind the wrapper instead of the original accessor.

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